Join OCD SoCal for OCD Awareness Week Events in San Diego, Los Angeles, and Irvine



As part of OCD Awareness Week 2017, OCD SoCal invites you to a dual screening of the short films “UNSTUCK: an OCD kids movie” and “Oh Crappy Day.” We will be hosting viewings and panel discussions in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Irvine on Saturday, October 14, 2017 from 10am-12:30pm.

“UNSTUCK: an OCD kids movie” is a new documentary that follows six resilient kids and teens with OCD as they work toward recovery, inspiring viewers to believe it is possible to fight their worst fears and beat back OCD.

“Oh Crappy Day” is an award-winning romantic comedy that depicts a college student struggling to keep his OCD on the down low while on a blind date.

Registration is free, however please register by October 12 to reserve your seat as space is limited. Light breakfast will be served.

Please click on links below for more information and to register for this event in a city near you!

Los Angeles

San Diego


OCD Awareness Week is an international effort taking place during the second week in October each year to raise awareness and understanding about obsessive compulsive disorder and related disorders, with the goal of helping more people to get timely access to appropriate and effective treatment. Visit the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) website to learn more.