New Article, “5 Things People with Body Dysmorphia Want You To Know!” Learn More About This OCD-Related Disorder!

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), is an OCD-related disorder, meaning it falls under the OCD disorders section in the DSM-5, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. BDD shares similarities, and many differences, with OCD. This article is a good introduction to the disorder, featuring stories of people living with BDD.

We excited to share the article “5 Things People With Body Dysmorphia Want You To Know” by “Wondermind” (Wondermind), a mental health resource, website, and organization (a mental health ecosystem), founded by singer / actress Selena Gomez, her mom Mandy, and Daniella Pierson (Forbes’ 30 Under 30, entrepreneur who has OCD) –! The interviewed featured our Vice President, Chris Trondsen, LMFT, who opened up about his personal struggles with BDD and was also featured as the clinician discussing the disorder in the section with other people’s personal experiences with the disorder.

If you, or someone you love, is interested in BDD, the article shares ‘5 things people with BDD want everyone to know!’ We hope it’s helpful! We would like to thank Selena Gomez and her team, who were incredible and clearly care so much for mental health! Also, a thank you to the journalist who interviewed Chris, Sam Brodsky, who was very knowledgeable and a pro! Click this link to view the article: or the embedded link below!