To register for OCD Southern California’s 5th Annual (Virtual Conference), click this link: REGISTER FOR THE JULY 31ST VIRTUAL CONFERENCE! The conference is open to anyone, anywhere since it is virtual!
Cost: $20.00 for Early Bird Special–ends July 5th. Cost will increase to $25.00 after July 5th. Cost is per screen. A $5 discount is available for families and groups with the purchase of three or more tickets during one transaction.
To obtain CEs, the cost for the conference entrance and CEs is $35 through July 5th with an increase to $40.00 after July 5th.
PLEASE NOTE: OCD Southern California has received donations from some conference attendees allowing us to offer free registration to those who are in need. If you are needing a complimentary ticket(s), please email OCD SoCal at:! As a non-profit organization, we do not want anyone to be unable to attend our conference due to registration cost.
For detailed information on our keynote panel, 30 break-out sessions (including titles, speakers, and descriptions), our lunch-time events, and more, please see our previous post at:
To purchase tickets and for more conference information, please go to our Eventbrite page at:
Come join us– and register now while reduced prices are available!

Keck Department of Psychiatry is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Keck Department of Psychiatry maintains responsibility for this program and its content.