Join Us Saturday, September 14th from 11am to 1pm PST for a free, virtual Family and Loved One’s OCD Support Group!

Please join us for the September Family and Loved One’s OCD Support Group that is being held virtually this Saturday, September 14th, from 11 AM to 1 PM PST. To receive the Zoom link for the event please email and include all the email addresses you would like to receive the Zoom link.

The support group is open to anyone from anywhere who is interested in joining. The event is titled, “It Takes a Village.”

We are honored to have six guests for our upcoming support group.  Please click on their links below to learn more about each of our guests.

The focus of the support group is to help you, the loved one, learn to navigate your role as part of a support system for the person in your life with OCD. The discussion will focus on both clinical and lived-experience insights on how parents, family members, spouses, and loved ones can ensure that their support is beneficial and in-line with the loved one’s recovery, without causing any additional hardships.

After opening statements and introductions, Natasha Daniels, LCSW, and Kim Vicente will speak first. They are two mothers of children with OCD. They will talk about their personal experience as moms supporting their loved ones, what they learned and want to share with you about their personal experience and leave you with suggestions on how to best support your child with OCD. Then Chris Baier, a father of a daughter with OCD, will share his personal insight on raising a child with OCD and will give supportive direction to the fathers in attendance. Dr. Michelle Witkin and Krista Reed, LCSW, will discuss the importance of the role of the sibling in supporting the person with OCD. They will also discuss how to make sure that the sibling without OCD is still being nurtured while the family rallies together to help their loved one get better. At the end, Michelle Massi, LMFT, will present on how a clinician can help create harmony amongst the family, help identify family roles, and what treatment should look like when everyone is working together. Additionally, she’ll discuss the role of spouses and romantic partners supporting their loved one with OCD in a relationship.

For the second half of the group, we will open the panel up to answering questions from you in the audience. You can submit questions publicly or privately in the chat or raise your hand to ask a question out loud. The group will conclude with final thoughts and announcements.

See you for our September group on Saturday, the 14th from 11am – 1pm PST!