Registration is Now Open for the April Speakers Series!
OCD Southern California presents our April Speaker Series! We will be hosting a Speakers Series in April with four events in total, starting with San Diego on Saturday, April 1 and Los Angeles on April 2. We will then move to Orange County on April 15 and conclude our series in the Inland Empire on April 22.
Each location will have presentations from local OCD specialists, psychiatrists, mental health providers, people who have overcome the disorder, all presenting on OCD and related topics.
Join us for this opportunity to hear from experts, ask questions, and spend time with the OCD community–others who are sharing a similar situation.
Registration is only $10.00 per individual and this low rate is to help cover venue, parking, and food costs.
Food and beverages will be served at each location.
Use the following links below to register for the event you would like to attend. You are able and encouraged to attend as many of the events as you would like, just make sure to register for each event separately. Each location has its own unique registration link:
San Diego: Please note – We regret to inform you that the San Diego Speaker Series event is now sold out. We encourage you to register for another one of OCD SoCal’s Speaker Series events that is located closest to you!
Los Angeles: Please note – We regret to inform you that the Los Angeles Speaker Series event is now sold out. We encourage you to register for another one of OCD SoCal’s Speaker Series events that is located the closest to you!
Orange County:
Inland Empire:
We look forward to seeing you at our April Speaker Series!
For more information on the 15 speakers presenting at the Orange County event, including names, websites, and bios, please visit: