The Adversity 2 Advocacy Alliance is an all volunteer nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and fostering the power of turning personal challenges into service to others with similar challenges.
To access their Advocacy Resource Center, visit A2A at
OCD Southern California Walk on June 4
Orange County and San Diego Walk Teams for OC. Thank you to everyone who walked with us (we also had a group in Riverside) and to all of you who supported us with your donations. The Southern California Affiliate was able to raise over $1000 to support educational programs and speaker events in Southern California. Please continue to check this website for future events. Everyone welcome!
Final Instructions for the OCD SoCal Walk to Support OCD!
Join or Donate to the Southern California Walk on June 4th!
We will be supporting the IOCDF’s annual 1 Million Steps for OCD Walk
To donate or register: and register with the OCD Southern California Walk team
50% of the money raised will be returned to the OCD SoCal affiliate
For those who live in the San Diego area, walkers will be meeting at Balboa Park at the Organ Pavilion at 10:00. We will walk from 10:30 – 11:30. Bring a picnic lunch and socialize after the walk.
Change in Park Meeting Place in Orange County!
We are still meeting at 10:30 at Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley (16801 Euclid St). Enter through the Brookhurst/Heil entrance and park near the basketball courts. There are trails and picnic tables nearby. There is a $5.00 parking fee. Please bring a lunch so we can enjoy a relaxing time together following a nice walk around the park. For directions from the Gateway: drive west on South Coast Drive; turn right on Harbor Blvd and left on Warner. Continue on Warner, turning right on Brookhurst. Enter the park through the Brookhurst/Heil entrance and head towards the basketball courts.
In Riverside County, meet at Towngate Memorial Park at 10:15; we will walk from 10:30 – 11:30. Bring a picnic lunch to enjoy following the walk.
USC Genetic Study Event and Free Speakers Series – Los Angeles – April 30, 2016
WHEN: Saturday, April 30 2016, 10:30am – 4:00pm (if you have OCD or an OCD related disorder ( hoarding, skin picking, hair pulling, body dysmorphic disorder, you may be eligible to participate! Study enrollment opens at 10:30
For more study info and to start the questionnaire:‐ocd
WHERE: Renewed Freedom Center
RSVP: 310-268-1888 by April 22 or
* Light refreshments will be provided
Presentations by:
11:30am-12:00pm Jonathan Grayson, PhD, The Grayson LA Treatment Center for Anxiety and OCD
“The ABC’s of OCD: Understanding OCD and its Treatment”
12:00-12:30pm Jenny Yip, PsyD, Renewed Freedom Center for Rapid Anxiety Relief
12:30 -1:00pm Barbara Van Noppen, PhD, University of Southern California “The Role of Family in OCD”
1:00-1:30pm Chris Trondsen, The Gateway Institute “Life Beyond OCD”
2:00pm-3:00pm: Question and Answer Panel
10:30am-4:00pm: **Study Enrollment all day (compensation will be provided)
For more information or directions, click here.
* Research funded by the National Institute of Mental Health.
Approved by USC HS-IRB 10-00299.