Each of the 37 presentations given at our Saturday, July 31, 2021 virtual conference were recorded! They are now all up on our conference website, https://socalocdconference2021.com, on the “Video Gallery” page and are now available to view! They will be up to view for 30 days.
How to view the recorded conference presentations:
–If you have not already registered for our conference and want to purchase a ticket in order to view the recorded presentations:
- Go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ocd-southern-california-fifth-annual-conference-tickets-165856730947?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
- Click on the green “Tickets” button and specify the number of tickets you would like to purchase.
- Additionally, there is a place where you can also add a donation towards OCD SoCal, which is a non-profit and relies on donations in-order to offer OCD related programing.
- After purchasing a ticket, you will automatically receive an email from Eventbrite. Scroll down to the bottom of the email and it will provide you with detailed instructions on how to log in and view the conference recordings on our “Video Gallery” page.
–If you already registered for our 5th annual virtual conference and want to watch the recorded presentations:
- Go to: https://socalocdconference2021.com
- Click on the purple “Log In” button.
- You are now on the log-in page. To log in, you have to provide the email address you registered on Eventbrite where it asks for the “Username or email.” Then use the password we provided in the emails we sent prior to the start of the conference.
- If you cannot locate that email with the log in information, please email us at: info@OCDSoCal.org.
- After logging in, you are now on the lobby page. Click on the “Video Gallery” tab and it will take you to the “Video Gallery” page. Now you can watch any of the 37 conference recordings!

We hope everyone registers so you are able to view the full, incredible presentations that were offered at our recent virtual conference! We will keep registration open until the day the “Video Gallery” closes, which is 30 days after the conference ended.