A HUGE thank you to everyone who came out for San Diego One Million Steps for OCD Walk! Thanks to your overwhelming support, this was our most successful walk ever, with over 130 registered walkers helping us build community and raise awareness for OCD. We also raised nearly $5,000 to support OCD awareness and resources, with almost 150 individual donors! We had many clinicians attend and make themselves available to answer questions, and 11 wonderful volunteers who ensured that the event went smoothly. Special thank you to the La Jolla Shores Hotel, who generously donated the use of their beautiful Garden Patio to host us. Walkers completed a 2 mile walk along the ocean, engaging with people on the boardwalk who asked questions, and stopping to take photos at the iconic Scripps Pier.
If you haven’t had the chance, you can still donate on our San Diego Walk page! We also look forward to seeing people at our Orange County Walk on June 29 and the International OCD Foundation Annual Conference in Orlando, FL July 25-28.