Mariners Church (Life Development Building, 2nd Floor)
5001 Newport Coast Drive
Irvine, CA 92603
Join us for the 4th annual OCD Southern California OCD conference! This year we are thrilled to have Jeff Sparr and his team from Peacelove as our keynote speaker. Jeff will present a workshop that allows us all to express ourselves artistically and experience the peace of mind his work has brought to many.
PeaceLove co-founder Jeff Sparr is a man on an audacious mission – to help millions of people create peace of mind through expressive arts and storytelling. A family man, self-taught artist, and teacher, Jeff is above all a survivor, battling Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) much of his life. On a whim, and with no background or training, Jeff decided to try his hand at painting. Like discovering a superpower, he found painting dramatically subdued the symptoms of his OCD, providing a creative outlet and sense of control. This discovery changed the course of Jeff’s life, and he wanted to share it with the world. Through his workshops, participants experience improved mental wellness and gain new tools to talk about mental health.
Registration is from 10AM – 10:45 AM. We offer continental breakfast and will hold a professional mixer for clinicians. Following the keynote speaker, lunch is provided. During lunch, we offer an opportunity to meet with others, visit one of the many resource booths or participate in a genetic study. In the afternoon, conference attendees will choose to attend two of the seven presentations/workshops offered. A craft room for our youngest attendees is set up during the afternoon sessions where we will also be playing “Unstuck, an OCD Kids’ Movie” along with other videos.
We appreciate your interest in volunteering! We have four active working groups looking for volunteers.
To help you decide where you would like to devote your time and talents, please read the information below on our current teams.
The more volunteers we have, the better our events will be!
1. OB/Gynecologist & Pediatrician Subcommittees
The mission of the Obstetrician/Gynecologist and Pediatrician Subcommittees is to educate local physicians on the early detection and treatment of postpartum and pediatric OCD.
We have two goals. First, we will develop outreach materials for each of the specialties we will be contacting (OB/Gynecologists and Pediatricians). Second, we will approach local OB/Gynecologists and Pediatricians to distribute the materials and offer our presentation.
The informational toolkit to be developed will include: 1) a brochure, 2) a powerpoint to present to physicians, and 3) a short self-assessment questionnaire for patients.
If you would like to volunteer to assist with this initiative, please contact for the OB/Gynecologist Subcommittee, or for the Pediatrician Subcommittee.
2. Event Planning Team
If you have enjoyed the events sponsored by OCD Southern California and would be interested in helping to make them even better, we welcome you! There are many ways to participate in the Events Planning Team, depending on your talents, interests and time.
We always need people to help us plan, set up, and keep things organized at our events. If this is something you might like to do, I will add you to our volunteer email group. As we begin planning for an event, you will receive an email requesting help. If you are interested in the event and have the time to volunteer, great! If not, perhaps you are available for the next event.
While we need people with all types of talents, if you have any of the following skills, we would greatly appreciate your talents to help us reach many more people in Southern California:
Public Relations skills
Graphic arts skills
Social Media skills
Fund-raising skills
If the Events Planning Team sounds right for you, please send the following information to Liz Trondsen at
Phone Number
Please let me know if you have any special area of interest-or just want to help wherever needed!
3. Advocacy Committee
The general public does not fully understand the severity and complexities of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It will take members of the OCD community– those with OCD, their friends and family members, and treatment providers, to debunk the stigma surrounding the disorder and to spread awareness.
Volunteer members of OCD Southern California’s Advocacy Committee will educate the general public in a variety of ways: speaking at OCD Southern California affiliate events, talking to interested parties at mental health conferences and events while manning an OCD So Cal booth, contributing their personal stories to our website and blog, speaking at hospitals and medical offices, and posting OCD Awareness information or videos on social media.
Volunteers may select the level of involvement and time they wish to contribute, as well as how much of their personal story they wish to share. The committee is led by Ethan Smith, Justin Nichols, and Chris Trondsen, MFTT, all of whom have suffered with OCD and are advocates themselves. Ethan, Justin, and Chris will work side-by-side with volunteers of the Advocacy Committee to further carry out OCD Southern California’s mission to educate and support the local OCD community.
If you are interested in being part of the Advocacy Committee, please email: with the subject of the email being: “I Am Interested In Being a Part of the Advocacy Committee” and address the email to Chris, Justin, and Ethan. Thank you!
4. OCD in Schools
Raising awareness for early identification and effective intervention
Our goals include:
Distributing information and materials to schools
Developing and offering in-service trainings for teachers and school administrators
Offering materials and information to psychologists who do testing and recommend accommodations appropriate to treatment goals for OCD.
Providing guidance to parents on how best to help their children navigate the demands of school.
OCD is easy to miss and/or misdiagnose, but if we could educate our educators on what to look for beyond the regular stereotyped symptoms we could perhaps reduce the time that it often takes for people to be properly diagnosed. Also, educating the special needs providers about appropriate accommodation and how they may differ for OCD. Last but not least, we hope to help educate parents on how to best help their children and to provide up to date resources.
If you would like to volunteer to assist on this committee, please contact Melissa Mose at
You are important to those in need! A donation to a non-profit organization benefits others as well as you by being tax deductible!
OCD Southern California provides educational programming, resources and advocacy for individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder, hair pulling, skin-picking, body dysmorphic disorder, and hoarding. Many of these individuals are unable to afford the specialized treatment required to effectively recover from these symptoms. OCD Southern California holds low-cost conferences and free special events several times per year to help individuals with OCD and their family members. Scholarships are provided for those who are unable to afford the conference fees. Programming is costly, and we hope you are able to support these efforts.
To recognize those who donate, your name, or the name of your organization, will be displayed at the OCD Southern California 2019 Conference on March 30thin Irvine, as well as on the OCD Southern California website (unless you specify you prefer to remain anonymous).
Several levels of donation are available:
Diamond: Greater than $1000.00
Platinum: $501.00-$1000.00
Gold: $200.00-$500.00
Silver: $100.00-$199.00
Bronze: $50.00-$99.00
Friends of OCD Southern California: $10.00- $49.00
We need your help! Join those who have already donated! Feel great about yourself knowing that you are helping others!
Without your donations, we would not be able to bring the high-quality programming to our large catchment area. Thank you for your generosity and for supporting our ongoing effort to bring pride to our OCD Southern California community!
OCD SoCal is now accepting proposals for break out sessions for our fourth annual OCD Southern California Conference. This conference is an opportunity to learn more about obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and its treatment, provide support for individuals with OCD and their families, and gain practical knowledge about a variety of issues that may arise with OCD and related disorders.
Who attends this conference?
This event is particularly designed for individuals affected by OCD and related disorders as well as their families, however, we encourage clinicians, researchers, and students interested in learning more about OCD to attend. Conference attendees often include individuals with a great deal of experience with OCD as well as individuals and family members who may just be learning about the disorder and its treatment.
How many attendees will be at the conference?
Last year we had over 250 attendees! We are aiming for five to six breakout sessions, so presenters should expect around 40 people will attend each breakout session.
Who should submit a proposal?
We are looking for presenters with a breadth of personal and professional experiences with OCD and related disorders. Last year our speakers included OCD therapists, psychiatrists, individuals affected by OCD and related disorders, as well as family members.
What topics are appropriate for break out sessions?
While we do not have specific requirements for the break out sessions, suggestions may include: overview of OCD, OCD and families, kid-friendly activities room, taboo topics, OCD related disorders, recovery from OCD, ACT and mindfulness, medications, and ERP experiential workshop. You are also welcome to propose your own topic that you feel will be of interest to attendees.
What is the format for break out sessions?
Break out sessions will be held in the afternoon following a keynote presentation and lunch. There will be two breakout sessions following lunch, each 50 minutes in length. If selected for a breakout session, you will be asked to repeat your session twice (i.e., during both of the break out time slots). Hence, attendees will have the opportunity to select two out of six breakout sessions.
When is the deadline to submit my proposal?
The deadline to submit a proposal is January 11, 2019 by midnight.
When will I hear if my proposal was accepted?
Presenters will be notified regarding whether their proposal was accepted by January 31, 2019.
What submission materials are required?
Abstract: Please submit a brief abstract describing your presentation as well as intended audience (maximum 150 words).
Bio: Please submit a brief (2-3 sentences) biography describing your background and experience with OCD and/or OCD-Related disorders.
CV* (professionals only)
How do I submit my proposal?
Proposals should be emailed to Subject line: OCD SoCal 2019 Conference Submission.
We look forward to receiving your submission! Please contact us at with any questions regarding your submission. You can also visit our website ( or facebook page ( for more information about our organization.