Recently, a popular and best selling author made false and baseless claims as to the cause and treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder. This misinformation contributes to mental health stigma and the prevention of individuals with OCD in receiving scientific-based treatments, such as exposure and response prevention. Help OCD So Cal and the International OCD Foundation spread information on what OCD really is by sharing these info-graphics to friends, family, and on social media!

Unfortunately, there is also another “so-called expert” (who is not an expert in OCD) making false claims about the origins and causes of an individual’s OCD. She recently wrote a book and has a recent podcast episode where she makes these false claims. Make sure to stick with organizations like the International OCD Foundation (http://www.iocdf.org) that provide factual, science and evidence-based information on OCD and related disorders—and not authors with no expertise promoting their books and products!