A Free Digital Conference Helping You Understand OCD!

OCDeconstruct is a free online conference designed to give those with OCD, and their loved ones, the information needed to understand key concepts related to the disorder so they can get a productive start on treatment.

During the conference, six therapists will present on topics including intrusive thoughts, ERP, family dynamics, medicine and more.

OCDeconstruct happens on Saturday, April 13, at 9am PST (12pm EST / 5pm GMT) and will run about 4 hours.

For more information, visit: OCDeconstruct.com

Or directly sign up for free on zoom via: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/8715500907572/WN_IQncx2-pR4OBze-S0IiIhw

For more information on the film “Unstuck: an OCD Kids Movie,” please visit: https://www.ocdkidsmovie.com/

Take advantage of this amazing opportunity to learn about obsessive-compulsive disorder from six of the leading experts for FREE and from the convenience of your home or office!