Orange County OCD Awareness Week In-Person Event in Costa Mesa, CA, This Saturday, October 19, 1-5pm PST! Agenda, Program, and Run Down of the Day’s Events!

Register Here for the Free OCD Awareness Week Event in Costa Mesa, CA!

This Saturday, October 19th, from 1pm to 5pm PST, OCD Southern California is hosting a free, in-person event for OCD Awareness Week. The event is being held at the Costa Mesa Marriott at 500 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa, CA, 92626. The event will start with presentations by local OCD experts. These talks will be for people with OCD, as well as their parents, family members, loved ones, and romantic partners. After a break with provided snacks and beverages, there will be clinician-led support groups, also specifically for for people with OCD, as well as their parents, family members, loved ones, and romantic partners (more info below). The event’s purpose is to provide you with education, resources, and especially community and connection. We look forward to seeing you there and read below for more detailed information! Register Here for the Free OCD Awareness Week Event in Costa Mesa, CA!

The Agenda and Program for OCD Southern California’s Orange County OCD Awareness Week 2024 Event:

12:30pmCheck-in table opens

Please arrive early to help ensure we are able to start the event on time. We are hoping to check everyone in prior to 1pm, allowing us to start programming right at the 1pm start time. There is no need to bring your Eventbrite tickets. We will have a list of all those who are registered for the event and we will check you in as you arrive. Parking is free and at this time you can validate your parking at the front desk or you can validate on your way out–either works! Liz Trondsen, board member of OCD SoCal, will be leading check-in.

1:00pm – 1:15pmWelcome and information on the day’s events

Members of the OCD Southern California board will welcome you to the event, review the agenda, and go over the day’s events.

1:15 – 2:15pmPresentations

Following the welcome, there will be presentations by local OCD experts. There will be four rooms. Room 1 will have a talk specifically for parents, family members, and loved ones of adults (18 and over) with OCD. Room 2 will have a presentation specifically for individuals with OCD and related disorders. Room 3‘s talk is for parents, family members, and loved ones of children with OCD. Room 4‘s presentation will be specific for romantic partners dating and loving those with OCD.

Room 1: Parents, family members, and loved ones of adults (18 and over) with OCD. 

“How to Best Support a Loved One with OCD: What You Need to Know”Barbara Van Noppen, Ph.D.

Barbara Van Noppen’s Bio:

 Presentation description: In an effort to cope with challenging situations, families often engage in behaviors that perpetuate OCD and interfere with treatment. Family responses to OCD, particularly family accommodation, strengthens OCD symptoms, leaving family members and individuals with OCD feeling frustrated, angry and at odds with one another. This presentation will cover: explaining family accommodation, what might drive it, and introduce Family-based interventions that brings family members together as a “team” to support the therapeutic process of exposure and response prevention. Additional elements from The Supportive Parenting for Anxious Emotions program (SPACE) will be described as well. This interactive workshop will provide practical strategies and hope for any loved ones impacted by OCD.

Room 2: Individuals with OCD and related disorders.

“The 5 Things That Will Make The Biggest Impact on Your Recovery From OCD”Matt Codde, LCSW

Matt Codde’s bio:
Presentation description: In this presentation, Matt Codde, licensed OCD clinician and individual with OCD, will share 5 major changes you can implement in your life to expedite your recovery from OCD and Anxiety. These 5 changes include everything from subtle nuances you can use when implementing tools to full on paradigm shifts with how you understand OCD and the recovery process. For individuals with OCD, this talk will allow you to leave with specific strategies you can immediately implement for improvement.

Room 3: Parents, family members, and loved ones of children with OCD.

“Surviving the Storm: Supportive Parenting and Family Support in the Midst of OCD.”Dr. Jennifer O’Connor

Jennifer O’Connor’s Bio:

Presentation description: Few experiences in life are as excruciating as watching a child be held hostage and tortured by OCD. Their world shrinks down so fast, and our most basic parental and family member instincts (to provide reassurance) cause them to sink even deeper into the quicksand of OCD. But parents and loved ones can learn how to provide the support and structure needed to help their child break free. Parents & loved ones are the most powerful and under-utilized resource in OCD treatment. This presentation will help parents learn more about how to break the cycle of accommodation while providing genuine empathy as you both rise up against OCD together.

Room 4: Romantic partners dating and loving those with OCD.

“Loving Someone Romantically with OCD: The Top 8 Challenges Along with Clear Solutions”Chris Trondsen, LMFT

Chris Trondsen’s Bio:

Presentation description: Are you currently in a relationship with someone who has OCD? Maybe you are just casually dating, or in a committed relationship– or engaged or married to someone living with OCD, anxiety, and related disorders. This presentation is going to overview and address specific challenges romantic partners have while loving someone with OCD, along with clear cut solutions. We specifically will cover the top eight complaints and difficulties most people have while supporting their partner with OCD, and follow with clearcut fixes to those challenges you can begin to utilize immediately after the presentation. These common complaints include how to set loving boundaries, what to do when an argument arises, issues around parenting and family planning, Relationship OCD (ROCD), challenges when living with your romantic partner, and more. This talk will inform attendees on how to continue loving and supporting someone with OCD, while still supporting yourself by creating clear boundaries to prevent enabling your loved one’s OCD.

2:15 – 2:45pmQ&A

Each of the above presenters have dedicated 30 minutes after their presentations to answer your questions about either the presentation they just gave or general questions about your experience navigating OCD and treatment.

2:45 – 3:00pmSnack and Restroom Break

We will be providing complimentary snack foods and beverages as we transition between presentations and the support groups. 

3:00 – 4:30pmSupport groups

After the break, the main focus of the event is to build community and offer camaraderie with other individuals in a similar situation as your own. We will be holding four support groups and these groups will be facilitated by licensed clinicians. The rooms will stay the same. Room 1 will have a support group specifically for parents, family members, and loved ones of adults (18 and over) with OCD. Room 2 will have a support group specifically for individuals with OCD and related disorders. Room 3‘support group is for parents, family members, and loved ones of children with OCD. Room 4‘s support group will be specific for romantic partners dating and loving those with OCD.

Room 1: Parents, family members, and loved ones of adults (18 and over) with OCD. 

Support group facilitator: Dr. Barbara Van Noppen

Barbara Van Noppen’s Bio:

This support group is profession lead by Dr. Barbara Van Noppen. This support group, for people supporting an adult with OCD, will give attendees an opportunity to introduce themselves and to share a little bit about their current challenges with supporting someone with OCD. We will give you an opportunity to hear from both your peers, as well as the clinician leader, on specific insight and solutions to what you’re currently struggling with in regards to the support you give a loved one with OCD. The group will also give you a chance to feel hope, community, and connect with others going through a similar situation. Attendees can choose to share as much or little as they feel comfortable.

Room 2: Individuals with OCD and related disorders.

Support group facilitator: Lauren Rosen, LMFT

Lauren Rosen’s Bio:

This support group is profession lead by Lauren Rosen, LMFT. This support group, for people with OCD, will give attendees an opportunity to introduce themselves and to share a little bit about their current challenges with OCD. We will give you an opportunity to hear from both your peers, as well as the clinician leader, on specific insight and solutions to what you’re currently struggling with in regards to your challenges with OCD. The group will also give you a chance to feel hope, community, and connect with others going through a similar situation. Attendees can choose to share as much or little as they feel comfortable.

Room 3: Parents, family members, and loved ones of children with OCD.

Support group facilitators: Stephanie Davis, Ph.D. and Jennifer O’Connor, Ph.D.

Stephanie Davis’ Bio:

Jennifer O’Connor’s Bio:

This support group is profession lead by Dr. Stephanie Davis and Dr. Jennifer O’Connor. This support group, for people supporting a child or teen with OCD, will give attendees an opportunity to introduce themselves and to share a little bit about their current challenges with supporting someone with OCD. We will give you an opportunity to hear from both your peers, as well as the clinician leader, on specific insight and solutions to what you’re currently struggling with in regards to your challenges with supporting a child with OCD. The group will also give you a chance to feel hope, community, and connect with others going through a similar situation. Attendees can choose to share as much or little as they feel comfortable.

Room 4: Romantic partners dating and loving those with OCD.

Support group facilitator: Chris Trondsen, LMFT

Chris Trondsen’s Bio:

This support group is profession lead by Chris Trondsen, LMFT. This support group, for people romantically involved with someone who has OCD, will give attendees an opportunity to introduce themselves and to share a little bit about their current challenges supporting a romantic partner with OCD. We will give you an opportunity to hear from both your peers, as well as the clinician leader, on specific insight and solutions to what you’re currently struggling with in regards to your challenges with supporting someone with OCD. The group will also give you a chance to feel hope, community, and connect with others going through a similar situation. Attendees can choose to share as much or little as they feel comfortable.

4:30 – 5:00pmCommunity engagement activity and closing

Following the support groups, we will lead a mingling event that will encourage attendees to connect with others in a similar situation to build connections that can continue once the event ends. We will conclude with a closing from members of the OCD Southern California board of directors, as well as information about upcoming virtual and in-person OCD So Cal events.

To register, please visit: Register Here for the Free OCD Awareness Week Event in Costa Mesa, CA!
If you have any questions about the event, please email: and we will see you at Saturday, October 19th’s OCD Awareness Week event in Orange County!