Traveling with a mental illness

Mental health conditions shouldn’t stop you from traveling.

It’s Meggie’s mission to destigmatize mental illnesses through travel. In this talk, Meggie Tran will share what they’ve done while traveling with a mental illness based on their experiences.

Together, we will learn how to:

  • Look at mental illnesses objectively as medical conditions
  • Unlearn misunderstandings about how travel plays a role in mental health
  • Accommodate your travels and make plans that best suit you
  • Seek therapy before and during travel
  • Manage mental health medications
  • Use helpful resources and tools

MEGGIE TRAN (she/they) is a second-generation Vietnamese American who has OCD, social anxiety, and intergenerational trauma.

Meggie shares practical resources to make travel more accessible for people with mental health concerns. They also enjoy writing hilarious and inspiring stories about people, places, and the planet we live on. Their writings have been featured on Fodor’s Travel, Thrive Global, and the International OCD Foundation.

Disclosure from Meggie: I am not a doctor or therapist. Do not use my advice as a diagnosis or official treatment/therapy. I only share thoughts and information based on my experiences. Please visit a registered doctor and/or therapist before basing any mental health decisions from me.

Connect with Meggie on their blog Mindful Meggie, on InstagramFacebookTwitter, and Pinterest.

Meggie leads another life as a famous figure in an online gaming community. If you’re a gamer or a fan of an online community game called Club Penguin, follow Meggie (known as Tech70) on their Twitter gaming account @Tech70CP.