NEW ARTICLE, “8 Uncomfy Things That Are Totally Normal to Talk About in Therapy!” How To Open Up To Your Therapist About OCD Intrusive Thoughts!

Opening up to your therapist is already difficult enough. When someone has OCD and wants to share the content of their unwanted, intrusive thoughts, that can add an additional challenge.

Therefore, we wanted to share the article “8 Uncomfy Things That Are Totally Normal to Talk About in Therapy” by “Wondermind” (Wondermind), a mental health resource, website, and organization (a mental health ecosystem), founded by singer / actress Selena Gomez, her mom Mandy, and Daniella Pierson (Forbes’ 30 Under 30, entrepreneur who has OCD) –! The interviewed featured our Vice President, Chris Trondsen, LMFT, who shared concrete ways to open up about your intrusive thoughts to your therapist, as well as addressing the shame many with OCD feel when in therapy.

If you, or someone you love, is in therapy and finding it hard to open up about their OCD, we hope this article is helpful! We would like to thank Selena Gomez and her team, who were incredible and clearly care so much for mental health! Also, a thank you to the journalist who interviewed Chris, Sam Brodsky, who was very knowledgeable and a pro! Click this link to view the article: or the embedded link below!