Tune In To “Ask The Experts” On Wednesday, June 28, at 9am PST For A Preview of the IOCDF’s Upcoming San Francisco OCD Conference!


The International OCD Foundation (www.iocdf.org)’s annual conference is just a little over one week away! In San Francisco, on July 7th through the 9th, the OCD community will come together for the largest OCD conference on the planet! Past conferences had nearly 2,000 people in attendance. This event is aimed at individuals with OCD, their family members and loved ones, researchers, therapists, and anyone interested in learning more about OCD. Go to: http://www.iocdf.org/ocdcon to register and for more information.

If you still have questions about the IOCDF’s OCD conference, are on the fence about going, or you are attending and want an exciting conference preview, make sure to tune into “Ask The Experts” on Wednesday, June 28th at 9am PST / 12 noon ET. http://www.iocdf.org/live

Join OCD SoCal’s Vice President, Chris Trondsen, and his co-host, Dr. Liz McIngvale for an “Ask the Experts” featuring IOCDF staff member and program director Stephanie Cogen and President of the IOCDF Board of Directors, Susan Boaz! They will be discussing all things IOCDF conference and you can ask your questions live! It is being live-streamed this Wednesday, June 28, at 9am PST / 12 noon ET at www.iocdf.org/live!

See you there! 👋🏼