To our OCD SoCal community,
We have missed our wonderful, personal gatherings for our annual walk, OCD Awareness Week events and fabulous conference (in 2019, we had over 350 in attendance). Though this pandemic has not permitted in-person gatherings, we were able to offer two OCD SoCal zoom panel talks which were well received.
Our annual conference and all other events live are postponed until we can hold them safely. In the meantime, we will try to be creative about offerings on our website (OCD SoCal.org) and any other virtual events.
After over 3 years serving as President, Dr. Barbara Van Noppen is stepping down and Melissa Mose, LMFT will be taking over that role as of 1/1/2021! Congratulations, Melissa!
Here are some messages of gratitude from the OCD SoCal Board:
Barbara Van Noppen, PhD (President)-“I am grateful for the honor of serving on the OCD SoCal board and all of our OCD SoCal community. Though apart by physical distance, we have a unity and feeling of oneness that instills hope. May the new year bring health and peace.”
Melissa Mose, LMFT (President Elect/Secretary)– “As the new year approaches, I want to send all of you my deepest gratitude and appreciation for your interest, your time, and your participation in our events and our community. It is your presence and involvement with OCD SoCal that has supported and continues to inspire our mission. Thank you and may the upcoming year bring you both peace and joy.”
Chris Trondsen, MS, AMFT, APCC (Vice President)– “Thank you for attending the events OCD SoCal has put forth to support our local OCD community. By attending, you have built a supportive community so that those with the disorder—and their loved ones—are not in this fight alone. It has been an honor to plan these events for everyone and they could not have happened without our amazing volunteers and my incredible fellow board members. Thanks for being an amazing community and have a happy holidays!”
Patricia Bosvay Browne (Treasurer)– “I am eternally grateful for everyone in the OCD SoCal community- for all the sufferers working hard to overcome and educate, for the family members hanging in there to help, to the volunteers for all of our events, and especially the medical community (therapists, doctors, psychologists) for the above and beyond commitment in educating and working with not only the sufferers of OCD, but the family members as well.”
Liz Trondsen, RD (Event Planner)– “I am grateful for the many families who join our Family Support Group each month, share their experiences with us and provide hope and guidance to new families.”
Sean Sassano, MD- “This holiday season, I am grateful to be part of such a wonderful community of clinicians, patients, and family members.”
Thank you and we look forward to serving the local southern California OCD community in 2021!