Sign Up For The Virtual “1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk” by Monday, September 7th & Receive An Official Walk T-Shirt!

Visit for more details on this year’s virtual “1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk!”

This year the annual “1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk” will be virtual! Please sign up today by clicking on the OCD Southern California team page:

If you register and donate $25 by Monday, September 7th, you will receive an official walk t-shirt!

A preview of the official virtual walk t-shirt!

OCD Southern California will be joining the virtual “1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk,” hosted by the International OCD Foundation. This is the first event of its kind! The goal is to unify people all over the world by asking us in So Cal to walk for a common cause: to end stigma and raise awareness of what it truly means to live with obsessive-compulsive disorder and related disorders, such as body dysmorphic disorder, hoarding disorder, and body-focused repetitive behaviors.

While the “1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk” normally consists of multiple in-person events across the country, this year the walk will be transformed into one unified, virtual event. We asked that all OCD Southern California members and their families join Team OCD Southern California. Please register for the virtual OCD walk by clicking on the link to our team’s page:

At the end of the fundraising period, the IOCDF will host a virtual, interactive event on Saturday, October 10th–before encouraging walkers to walk their own routes in their communities while wearing their walk shirts.

OCD Southern California is planning a kick-off event with a panel presentation, featuring our board members, presenting informative sessions with plenty of time for questions! 

We hope all of you will be able to help celebrate OCD Awareness Week with us this year by joining our official walk team!

Register and donate at least $25 by Monday, September 7th to receive your official walk t-shirt!