A New Blog About the Ups and Downs of OCD Recovery

Justin Nichols

Justin is an individual who has recovered from OCD through evidence-based treatment (exposure and response prevention – ERP). After treatment commenced, Justin created his blog in 2019 as a way to give back to the OCD community. To visit Justin N.’s blog, click here: https://ocdpeersupport.com/blog/

An excerpt from Justin N.’s blog:

We Don’t Always Get to Feel What We Want to Feel

“This means when you’re feeling good, enjoy it. Don’t try to strangle it so it never escapes…it’s a futile mission. Not the best use of your time. It also takes you out of the present moment of simply feeling because now you’re doing a reverse brain loop thinking about how you can engineer and clone these feelings forever. Instead, simply be present and enjoy it. Later on, when you inevitably experience a dip in your feelings as a natural part of the human experience, accept that too. Trusting that it too will pass. And soon, hopefully, you’ll feel good again. (confidence, not certainty: I’m confident this too will pass).”

About the author:

Justin N. is a Christian Dentist from Southern California, who has been deeply affected by OCD for over 20 years – all without even knowing it had a name or a proven treatment. Since finally commencing treatment in 2017, he can finally say that he is actually living his life instead of living in his head. 

OCD made his life really small, for a really long time. He has committed to never allowing that to happen again. He has been so impacted by recovery and what it’s done for him and those around him, that he feels a deep call to give back to the community in a big way and help others actualize their own potential.

He is pursuing a counseling degree at a Christian seminary in Southern California, to maximize his ability to care for souls for the rest of his time on Earth.

To learn more about Justin N., click here: https://ocdpeersupport.com/about-me/